Thursday, November 01, 2007


There's a character trait that i just absolutely love and have been thinking alot about lately and that's the one of adversity. You could also say "perseverance"

As well as leading a filmcrew team, i also lead a connect group with about 12-15 young adults coming each fortnight. It's alot of fun being part of it and i love getting to see each of them growing stronger both socially and spiritually with each time we meet.

Anyway, i've recently been greatly inspired by just the passionate and committed heart of a few of the members. Despite some problems and troubles going on in their lives which could easily have seen them shrink back from the group to take time out, they have stayed totally committed to the connect group and to the church.
And not only that, but despite the obvious issues in their own life, they've still attended each fortnight and put it all aside to pray for and encourage others in the group. It's just incredible and it's inspired me.

It's such a great attitude and character quality to be able to have, that someone would say "despite my difficult circumstances taking bites at me, i'm gonna stay committed and loyal to this because i know it's a good thing, and because i think God can both work on me and also use me here"

And i think it's when we show that adversity and perseverance to stick with it, that God can really work on us and heal us. And i've seen it coming through in the group with the people i'm talking about. I can see them now coming through the problems even stronger than they were because they've been connected to a good community of christians who have been able to encourage them, pray for them and do life with them... Thats what things like connect groups and church service teams are for! It's to serve God, but it's also there for us to support each other.

And i just felt that this was a good thing to share with the RVTV team as we also are a community of christians that each have problems and struggles in our lives.

God loves and blesses our adversity and perseverance.


Blogger Red Cat said...

This is such good encouragement!!

Philippians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.(NLT)

Here you have praised adversity and brought out a positive aspect to it in sharing it with others. You are a blessing to the RVTV team in

10:46 AM  
Blogger Smithay said...

Here Here!
Great thoughts HB and spot on 'Catch' with the scripture Red Cat!

4:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love what you're saying Harry Boy but I don't think you've got the right word. Isn't adversity the difficult events themselves, not the attitude you have towards them? In the thesaurus the synonym for adversity is misfortune or hardship.

I think perseverence is more the word you're looking for...

Anyway, that minor thing aside, good work, love what you have to say.

2:13 PM  
Blogger HaRRy BoY said...

yep, i think you may be right anonymous. My bad.. haha

Good pick up there.

For some reason i thought adversity was something that someone could demonstrate because of a hard circumstance.. But as you said, it's rather, the event itself.

I would officially like to blame the Corrigin District High school for this. Clearly i was not educated properly regarding this matter and i think there's no other choice but to take the matter to court immediately and make them pay for it.


8:15 PM  
Blogger FrankPoL said...

How dare you people complement Harry Boy with your negative comments! You should be delighted with yourselves for your terrible attitudes..


6:14 PM  

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