Saturday, February 16, 2008

Are we really that similar??

Hello guys. It's Harry Boy here.

Now then, i'm here to talk about the interesting phenomena that is... People thinking that Harry Boy and Frank Pol are actually the same person or that they are twins. And frankly, I'm here to put an end to this crazy madness!

For years now it's baffled me and Francis to consistently have people tell us how similar we look because i don't think we feel we are that similar.. Yet it continues to happen everywhere we go.

I once walked into a hair dresser in Victoria Park where i'd never been before. To have the lady doing my hair start talking to me as if she knew me. Which was nice at first, but once she started asking questions like, "hows the basketball and the camera work at the church going?" to which i replied "ummmmmm yeah good.." i started to get a little disturbed as to how she knew so much about me and had me questioning in my mind whether or not i had actually been there before or not... It was once she started asking me questions about what it was like growing up in corrigin that i became really disturbed and had to stop her and find out how she knew so much about me. And then i realised i was in the hairdresser where Francis always goes! It was pretty funny, she actually thought i was him! haha.

Another classic example is after Francis and Joelles wedding... When i had about 5 different riverview church attenders come up and congratulate ME on getting married! haha.. And then there's instances where people even on our very beloved filmcrew who have known each of us for 3-4 years have asked one of us "So what's it like being twins?"

I even recently had a good friend of mine on the filmcrew (who may or may not be a 16yr old boy from team 5) tell me he thought i was older than Francis! Saying he didn't know because we look too similar.... To say the least this shocked me..

All this is very interesting given that Francis was born on the 5th of October 1981 and i was born on the 20th of April 1985!! That's a 4 year age gap!! It's impossible to have twins that are 4 years apart you know!!

The thing is.. It's quite easy to distinguish as far as im concerned, Francis is much shorter and bulkier than me... and i'm taller, skinnier and way better looking! so it's not really that hard to work out is it?

Would it be easier if 1 of us turned our hair blue or something?

What really is it about us that makes us so similar?

I just don't get it..


Blogger Liz_kare said...

Hey Harry Boy. Have to admit when I was new on film crew I too used to think you and Frank Pol were twins. Glad I found out early enough that you aren't.

However, I have to agree with the many people who either think you are twins or you are the same person that you do look similar.

Maybe if one of you actually colour your hair blue then this confusion can end. Can I put in my vote as to which one of you should colour your hair?????

1:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah well the fact that a hairdresser talks to you about all those topics and you and frnky answer with the same responses definitely doesn't help now, does it young man??? ;-) Yup, i agree, definitely you should dye your hair half blue .... actually green would suit your eyes more ;-) hehehe

4:34 PM  
Blogger FrankPoL said...

Actually i think a great idea would be to deliberate try to look as similar as possible.. that way if i receive a terrible haircut and accidentally abuse the barber, i can claim it was my evil twin brother...

hmmmm, this could be a very handy decoy..

exxxxxcellent ..... exxxxxxxcellent...


9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is because you both talk so much.

9:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it's cos you're both much hairier than the average ozzie male

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, I didn't even realise you were related when I started... wonder how that reflects on me, what with everyone else seeming to mix you up, or thinking you're twins :)
I used to get the twin thing occasionally with my older sister, and there's a 6 year age difference there!
Blue... blue is good!

1:14 PM  

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