Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2 to go...

Paul Smith and Carolina where art thou ?????

Your signatures to this blog will make this much more unified as RVTV as it will mean all 6 team leaders are contributors!

I want to hear all about what's happening in teams 2 and 5 !!

The time is now my friends !



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Harry Boy...

Patience is GOLD.

I will put something up soon. I am still waiting for some pictures to be emailed to me. I promise the audience that Team 2 will blog by next week.

10:46 AM  
Blogger FrankPoL said...

Hi Kazza!! I've just noticed you've demoted yourself to Kazza 2 and i felt i should i should intervene immediately to put things back on track!!

Now there are 3 Kazza's currently in operation on the crew... Carol, Karen & Caroline.

As the longest serving Kazza on the crew you have the esteemed privillege of being Kazza number 1. Karen is moving through the ranks quickly and is now the head Kaz of team 1, being promoted to the position after your move to Team 2.. however you still carry the title of Executive Kaz, which leaves Karen as Kazza 2.

Caroline has been a very effective Kaz in team 2, and with your joining the team she will be placed as Kazza 3, in a prime position to operate as apprentice Kaz for Kazza 1.. learning from tips from yourself, our pioneer Kazza.

I trust this all makes perfectly logical sense, and from here on in i encourage you to keep the benchmark high for all of those others Kazza's to follow.. good on ya KAZZA!

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Thanks for clearing the confusion. I consent to your decision and taking this time to announce to the crew that I, Carol, the Captain of Team 2 is to be called Kazza.
If there are more than one Kazza present in the room, I shall be declared as Kazza 1.

3:13 PM  
Blogger FrankPoL said...

I'd like to put forward a suggestion from here on in to rename Nat... KAZZA 5.

He has all the characteristics of a Kazza, and in the event Kazza 1,2 or 3 cannot make it, we'd like to know there's a competent backup Kazza ready to step in and fill the role..

It's an option well worth considering...

10:17 PM  
Blogger HaRRy BoY said...

good grief.. that certainly is alot of kazza!

let's also not forget about "azza" the boy on team 4 and mezza our wonderful media director...

1:42 PM  

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