more mug shots.

Meng Yuen looking happy and content.
Meng has been on the crew for a long time, and one of his claims to fame is that he's been on more teams than any other person on the crew. In fact i think he's nearly served on all of them at some point in time...hehe. He's been a great swingman over the years but he currently serves in team 2 with Carol and also does tech at the north campus.

Brian Veale with a lovely big smile.
I'm sure if you got out the dictionary and looked up the word "champion veteran" you would simply find the definition "Brian Veale"
This fine gentlemen has been around the film crew a very long time and is one of the most committed and passionate guys i know. He's a faithful guy and he's really been a solid rock in the team over the time I've been around. He was previously a team leader for a number of years before he took an extended holiday overseas in which afterwards he came back to serve under Paul Smith in team 5. a champion!

Michael Dryga. (AKA - Micky D)
Micky D is another long time faithful veteran that just continues to come in each week and do his thing..
Good camera op, good tech assistant and he's passionate about seeing people get saved.
He looks quite content holding that little nifty piece of equipment too!

Clear A Path!

A short little Pol.... standing on a box.

2 fine looking gentlemen. We've got young Benny Schneider from Paul Smith's team, and we've got Darryl Chan the leader of team 3.
Both great guys.
And ladies..... the gentlemen on the left is single!!

The Dene'STA from my team.
He's not single...... I'm sure you can see why....

Thats right, your heard it here first... This man will soon be heading up the film crews Technical operations.
Our current Tech leader is Andrew Bekker but over the course of this year he'll be transitioning alot more into front of house production based stuff as he's very skilled in that area also. So as that happens, Nat will become the head of the tech side of things for the film crew. Nat is well known for his echoed "NICCEEEE" and "YEESSS" cries coming through the airwaves when he's in the control room. Gotta love it.
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