The Amazing Team 2

Hello everyone,
It's Kazza here. As per my promise to you, I present the Team 2 to this blog. I was given the privilege by Mezza and Pol to step in and lead team 2 in late September. It was sad for me to depart from team 1 members and Joelle. But nonetheless, team 2 has embraced me with arms open wide and I was very excited to be part of this team. I am looking forward to serve and share the Riverview crew experience with these guys and gals.
I want to show you the picture of team 2. The only person missed in these photos is Caroline Halim (Kazza 3). I'll try to have her photoshop-ed in next time.
Two lovely members will leave the team in coming weeks. Sam Bothasitse will be going home to his beautiful family in Botswana and Terje Steen will head back to Norway to start new chapter there. We wish them the best for future and pray for their journey with God will continue on in their home church.
I shall end my first blog here and I used Chippy id to blog this until I get Harry Boy to help me get my own id. Thanks for reading my very first blog.
Yay team 2!
Without me, you'd be a team with one less member.
corse ya way 2 kewl for uz all natty doggy ;P oink oink
you know i really have issues with people that comment just for the sake of it.. without anything relevant to say.
reminds me of the time i was in school and got a new calculator, it was a great day.
kazza, did you get the email asking you to become a contributor?
you need to find that email in your inbox and accept the invitation.
Once you do that it'll ask you to create a username and password etc..
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