Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Depth of field..

If your on the filmcrew i'm sure you would have heard this phrase thrown around alot...we use it alot as directors when talking to our handheld operators to help them get more dynamic looking shots of instruments on stage. It's certainly an important part or camera work so i wanted to talk on it.

Firstly, Here's a few web definitions of Depth of Field that i found.

- The amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph. Depth of field depends on the size of the aperture, the distance of the camera from the subject, and the focal length of the lens. The bigger the aperture, the greater the depth of field.

- simply put, it is the apparent sharpness of a shot considering the distance between the nearest and farthest elements that appear to maintain acceptable sharpness and clarity.

- The range within which all subjects, though located at different distances from the camera, are in focus.

Getting depth of field for us on RVTV... simply means zooming in close to a specific object from a distance away from it so that we can specifically set our focus to that object alone. And because we're zooming in and getting nice and tight on one specific object, the camera lens can then use all of its energy to show us that object in much clearer and sharper detail because it doesn't have to worry about anything else in the shot.

The more depth of field a shot has... the far more sharp, crisp and clear it will look. So in other words, the further back we stand from an object and zoom into it.....The better it will look. I personally will often encourage my handheld operators to stand 5 steps back from their shot and zoom in... rather than physically get up close to it forcing them to be fully zoomed out to have it included.. and in the process giving a less sharper looking shot.

Obviously it's still nice to come out wide occasionally and show us the surroundings...But especially in slow worship songs when it's soft and intimate it's much nicer to have a tight shot from a distance. Why? because it has more depth of field to it...

Shots with alot of depth of field look fantastic on things like the drummers hands tapping, accoustic and bass guitars...fingers on keys of keyboard player, faces in the choir and crowd, anything really..

A good tip to remember on handheld. Depth of Field.


Monday, August 27, 2007

Debbie seeking place

Hi guys. One of our legendary loyal team members in Debbie from team 2 is looking for a place to live. Debbie has been on the crew around 16 months serving on Kazza's team and is a lovely lady with some pretty solid camera skills!

She's currently at bible college at riverview, and was recently living in South Perth until being forced to move out in an unlucky set of circumstances..

She's got herself 2 weeks accommodation for now but has that deadline to find a new place to live.

I just thought to advertise it here so if anyone knows anyone that's looking for a housemate or anything they could give her a buzz.

So if you know anyone looking for a housemate... she would love you to email her at Redcatline@yahoo.com.au

Cheers. HB

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Song Clip for critique..

Hi guys, Harry boy Here. I found this neat little clip of Avril Lavigne singing this accoustic song on YouTube. It's not a bad song and not a bad video shoot of it either..

However with every song that gets shot by a filmcrew there's always things that were done well and things that weren't. Pieces of the song that were captured or missed.. or covered interestingly or covered badly...

Your job is to de-construct this clip and tell me from a video shoot perspective.. what were the pros and cons overall? Or what were some of the shots they used that you liked or didn't like and your reasoning for that.. Keeping in mind they obviously didn't have 5 high quality digital cameras like we do.. :)

please check out the clip below and post your responses.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Spot the Op

RVTV in action! can you successfully name each of the follow camera ops?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New Crew Member

We're proud to welcome our newest & youngest member to the rvtv crew..
Introducing Evelyn! She's 7 years old, lives in Bolivia, and is our brand new Compassion child.. Ajesh finally has some company!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

William and Maria's Wedding

Congratulations William and Maria on a wonderful wedding day!!!!!!
William is one of the great team members on RVTV crew 5 and was recently married at home, here are just some of their fantastic photos!!!!
William is back with us now from Zimbabwe and very soon we hope to meet
Maria his beautiful bride!!
Keep them in your prayers as they start a new life together!!!

God Bless


Thursday, August 02, 2007

TVC - August

Wow, this week the Riverview TVC that is advertising the month of August will be aired 155 times, that over 77 minutes of airtime on channel 10 - Perth...What especially great is most of them are free. So keep your eye peeled for it. Don't be surprised if you get the opportunity to invite someone to church this weekend. Sy Rogers will be speaking all weekend.

:view the Aug tvc at http://www.riverviewchurch.com.au/church/churchnews.php

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

one for Andrew Bekker

octillion tv

Team 3 homework

As everyone knows ... Team 3 is THE best of the RVTV teams. If you've heard the saying
"leaders are readers' I want to encourage Team 3 members to start reading and stay ahead of the pack. Here's some suggested books.

1. The Afterlife by Helen Heaven
2. Maths for Dummies by M.T. Head
3. Dangers of Suicide by Eileen Dover
4. Everday Keep Fit by Jim Naseum
5. Benefits of Drinking Water by P Alott

I'm confident that once you've read these you'll be ready for Team 1,2,4 etc!

Happy reading Silver