Friday, November 30, 2007

The people!

Here's a classic shot i found in the archives whilst searching for volunteer pics.. I couldn't believe Joelle and i weren't in it!! (and then i remembered we were away on honeymoon.. and suddenly felt much better.. hehe)

I'll give a prize to the 1st person who successfully names every crew member!! (there are 2 people in there who aren't part of rvtv.)

There are several familiar faces who sadly have departed since February when this was taken.. But whats exciting is how many people are still here from the start to the end of the year! The rvtv crew is a very committed mob!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sketchy - ep7c - Choc Boy

I'm sure you've been checking the blog each day to see the gripping finale to the Choc Boy saga.. so without any further ado.. here it is!

Monday, November 26, 2007

My Hallelujah

From our latest album "And Sing"

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Sketchy - ep7b - Choc Boy

Things take a turn for the worst.. watch in amazement!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Sketchy - ep 7a - Choc Boy

Choc Boy explodes onto the scene in his premiere launch through the Sketchy series.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Big Weekend Crew!!

Well done to all those who played in a part in the Big Weekend just gone, it was an amazing time in church!

We launched our new album, had amazing praise and worship, and received great input from Erwin McManus & Wayne Alcorn.
Plus we all had a great time munching on scones in volunteer land, thanks very much to Donna, Jamie and the team!

We forgot to take our traditional crew photo!! so i've found these great alternative video crew shots for you to enjoy. As you can see from the pics we all had a great time!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The power of rvtv prayer!

From Rodger Doudney of team 6..

Hi rvtv, Rodger from team 6 here. Having come back to God myself just on 2 years ago I have been praying for my 3 daughters that some how…some way, they also would come to know and believe in our Lord.

Last month the youngest of the 3…Stacey…agreed to come and visit me from Victoria.

Prior to her arrival I was on crew for the filming of….as I recall….the Saturday evening service.

During our team prayer session pre-service in the greenroom I publicly prayed to God for an opportunity to introduce Stacey to Him.

You see she was a FIRM non believer…..there was no God….no plan…..whatever happened….simply happened...

Shortly after she arrived she agreed to attend a service. Although she didn’t enjoy her first experience it did prompt a number of questions at home to which I answered as best I could. I also told her how God had impacted my life and the miracles he has performed which is another story in itself.

This questioning went on for a number of days and then one evening she said “dad” “I do believe there is a God” “I’m still not sure about this church thing yet” “but yes…I believe”

From there she went and saw her boyfriend (who recently moved here also) and immediately commenced witnessing to him!

Although this is still early day’s and remains a work in progress I am so overjoyed and I just praise GOD and again publicly thank Him for answering my prayers and allowing me to commence Stacey on that narrow road that leads to everlasting life.

Thank you my LORD.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Some of the best twenty minutes of my week are spent on camera during praise and worship at the Burswood campus.

I had the opportunity to operate camera one on Friday night of the Big Weekend, and I have to say that despite being pretty tired before the service, afterwards I was fired up!

Driving home I got to thinking about why I enjoy it so much. Why for that short period of time all of my worries and stresses just melt away into the camera viewfinder. Hurtling down the Kwinana Freeway, I figured it out:

For that time, I know exactly who I am and what I'm meant to do.

A lot of life is spent hurrying from one place to another, fulfilling obligations and trying to make a living and caring for family and friends and etc etc etc. Life is filled with uncertainty and expectation; an 'undiscovered country' of potential events and encounters.

That uncertainty can be disconcerting for many people, myself included.

But when I get on camera, it's all laid out for me. Each camera position has its own particular requirements and shots that are needed. A song has certain moments when I know that my drum shot will be required, or that the chorus is about to start so my camera four wide shot is up next. I have a director telling me what she or he wants in order to weave together the tapestry of the shoot - and I know my place within that.

Everything is certain.

Why is camera work like this, and why not life? I asked myself. And I realised that the idea of camera work can be applied to life, if at least in a metaphorical sense. So bear with me as I try to nut this out...

Firstly, I didn't start out in that position of assuredness. Four or five years ago, I was a wet behind the ears trainee freaking out behind the lens of camera two, stuffing up pan-acrosses and zooming in too fast. It took a lot of time, practice and patient training to get me to where I am today. There is a reason why we don't just give a person new to the crew a handheld camera and say 'go for it'. We must learn. We have the gift of Francis and Joelle training us, and patient team leaders and directors helping us through our rough patches and learning periods, experienced operators who are more than happy to pass on tips to the newbie. So it can be with life.

When I knew that I was going to be a father, I realised that I didn't know what the heck to do! So I embarked on a training cycle. A 'Sunday afternoon' of parenting skills, if you like. I bought books, I spoke to parents who had been through what I was about to go through, I did everything I could to learn. Read the bible - the training manual for life. Listen to Phil, Aly, Hadyn, etc etc etc. Understand what you need to learn and practice it.

Secondly is the heart. Whenever I go on camera, just as the five-minute call is winding up, I say a very short prayer just asking God into my world for the next few minutes. I ask Him to take control of my body, of the camera, to give me skill and creativity beyond what I am capable of on my own. Whenever I do that I always do a good shoot. I put aside my own ego (difficult though that may be at times!) and try to provide camera shots that fit the shoot as a whole.

The same is true in life. You have to be willing to serve, to be led. I think you have to ask God for the things you lack, and to lead you in the way of truth. There is no certainty in the world, in events and people - but there is certainty in Him.

Third, you have to listen to the song. A song has an introduction, a verse, a chorus, a bridge (that maybe tells you when the chorus is coming). A song can have one or more lead singers, a choir, a guitar solo, even a string quartet. If you listen to the song, it will guide you to your shots - it's easy to do a good shoot; just film what you hear. We also have a director talking in our ears, guiding us, playing the five cameras like Zac plays his guitar, creating a cohesive shoot. Listen to the director and offer what he or she needs.

I think- in life - God is the song, and Jesus is the director.


Okay, so maybe this is not the best analogy in the world, but it speaks to me, and I thought it might to this community as well.

Have fun out there my peeps!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sketchy - ep 6 - AbbaMagic

Yikes, here's a classic for all you Abba fans, with a bit of Hammy Man spliced in to please devoted Sketchy fans!

Sunday, November 04, 2007

ON AIR - Team 2

Five days before BIG Weekend.... we're pumped! Thanks to Meng who brought a camera in this morning. I thought I better use the brilliant 45 minute-break between services for picture taking.

For those who haven't heard us... we are The TEAM 2. We have been in hiding and keeping it low profile. Let me introduce you to our team members....

The Boyz: Meng, Matt B, Jase (Back)

Dan, Andrew, Nat, Pete (Front)

The Ladies: Debbie, Sharon, Tracy, Carolina

After three photos, we thought of helping promote BIG Weekend for our church. We happened to bump into a stack of tattoos in the green room.

Here are few ways to apply it:

Well..... after the long photo session, the proper way to finish it off is with a snooze. 'Til next time... thanks for tuning in with us.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


There's a character trait that i just absolutely love and have been thinking alot about lately and that's the one of adversity. You could also say "perseverance"

As well as leading a filmcrew team, i also lead a connect group with about 12-15 young adults coming each fortnight. It's alot of fun being part of it and i love getting to see each of them growing stronger both socially and spiritually with each time we meet.

Anyway, i've recently been greatly inspired by just the passionate and committed heart of a few of the members. Despite some problems and troubles going on in their lives which could easily have seen them shrink back from the group to take time out, they have stayed totally committed to the connect group and to the church.
And not only that, but despite the obvious issues in their own life, they've still attended each fortnight and put it all aside to pray for and encourage others in the group. It's just incredible and it's inspired me.

It's such a great attitude and character quality to be able to have, that someone would say "despite my difficult circumstances taking bites at me, i'm gonna stay committed and loyal to this because i know it's a good thing, and because i think God can both work on me and also use me here"

And i think it's when we show that adversity and perseverance to stick with it, that God can really work on us and heal us. And i've seen it coming through in the group with the people i'm talking about. I can see them now coming through the problems even stronger than they were because they've been connected to a good community of christians who have been able to encourage them, pray for them and do life with them... Thats what things like connect groups and church service teams are for! It's to serve God, but it's also there for us to support each other.

And i just felt that this was a good thing to share with the RVTV team as we also are a community of christians that each have problems and struggles in our lives.

God loves and blesses our adversity and perseverance.