Friday, June 29, 2007

Church Growth.

I smiled when i found these pics from Encounter 2004 and compared them to this years recording 2007. It's great to see the growth in size & resources.

Pic 1 - 2004. old square stage, brown plastic chairs, curtains closed!! You can see Joelle on old cam 3 riser.

Pic 2 - 2007. new round stage, blue chairs, curtains fully open & place packed!!

Pic 3 - 2004. PoL directing with Carol D.A, old control room, analog equipment, dodgy paint job! :)

Pic 4 - 2007. PoL directing with Carol D.A, new look control room with digital equipment! Hooray for 16:9!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Team 5 at Cockburn Central Campus!

Well Hello fellow bloggers!

I would firstly like to add my great appreciation to everyone who contributed in making our 'Big Weekend' such an amazing time last week. You could see Gods plan being worked out and feel his presence amongst the team and everyone present. I know that the event has meant so much to so many people, that Gods impact is going to continue through our lives into the world around us.

Isn't it such a great blessing that we can share in great events, while we serve! I don't know of
any other work or service environment where this is true!!!
I'm sure we are all eagerly awaiting the final production of the new music when it is ready.

C'mon Bring It On!!!!!!!!

This week Team 5 was on at our Cockburn Central campus and had a great shoot which saw Phil put in a suprise apperance to announce that Marcus and Ali Paseur will be leaving us for the OC! You guy's at the OC are going to love them to bits!! and I challenge you to not 'Cry' when Ali speaks, she is so great that often there is not a dry eye in the house. We will however, want them back one day!!!

Talking of people leaving, one of our great crew members is going back to Africa to get married!! so we wish William (King William !!!) all the best as he travels home to Zimbabwe and we pray a great day for him and his 'Wife' on that day, then we want you both back soon!!!!

God Bless, William and safe travels!!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Media Team

[back] Andre, Andrew, Nat, Dave [middle] Harjati, Aaron, Carol, Rosie, Joelle, Francis [front] Mabel, Adam

Hi there, it's Chippy here.

I was looking through some photos and found a cool pic of the Riverview Media staff. I feel so privileged to work with such a great team of people.

Love Joelle

Alternative Training Tips

Adrian Grant has kindly provided the following notes to assist our highly valued RVTV volunteers.

Tech Terms:

1. Mid shot - For normal person Head to waist
For anyone over 6’ 8” head to navel

2. Long shot - The chance of directing the week you complete training

3. Short shot - No such thing silly!

4. Pan - Something you boil an egg in

5. Tilt - The angle of your body when holding a hand held on your shoulder

6. Zoom - The speed you head for the loo after 2 Sunday morning services

7. 16 x 9 - 144

8. Crash focus - Trying to focus after you’ve dropped the Sony hand held (complete with quality Canon lens) on a hard floor

9. Stand by - Stop picking your nose and listen to the director

10. Pull focus - Towing your Ford Focus

11. Push focus - Bump starting your Ford Focus

12. Cut - The outcome of fighting with the director

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Big Weekend

What an amazing weekend, we nailed the dvd shoot, filmed 10 services, and had a fantastic time.. i'm exhausted but i'm sad its over!!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered so hard over the weekend, we have a brilliant cd/dvd on the way!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Team 5 Legends!!

Hi All!

I know the hour is way past being late for me to sign in and as the
words of Harry Boy continue to echo in my ear (Smithay Sign In!)
at last here we are!!
I want to introduce you to the Amazing team 5 and from now on keep you up to date
with some of the fantastic times we have as we serve together on Crew.
Clockwise from the left we have Reuben, Brian, Jarad, Matty J, Smithay, Steven,
Francis, Chris, Emily and Joelle. unfortunately Esther Kevin and William could not be with
I am continually greatfull for the dedication and passion that the Team 5 guys
show as they dilligently serve each week to take Gods word to the world through
RVTV. Keep up the great work Guys!!!!
Sadly this was to be our last night with Emily as she is off to the Ski fields to teach Skiing
God bless and stay safe Em!!! And I will keep you all posted with some more Team 5
news soon.
God Bless

Monday, June 11, 2007

Big Weekend Album Record

It all happens this week!!

We have rehearsals on Tuesday & Thursday to learn the new songs, then we do our best to shoot them Friday, Saturday & Sunday evening at the Big Weekend sessions.

All the crew are pumped and there's a buzz around the church at the moment as the days count down. It'll be our first ever 16:9 recording which is great for the crew, but on a broader scale it means a higher quality tv show & brilliant new songs which will be a great resource for many people.

Huge amounts of prep work have gone into the weekend, and more importantly heaps of prayer by the rvtv crew, so we're fired up and ready to roll!! There's nothing like a juicy album recording to get the adrenaline flowing!

See you over the weekend!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Let the 600th EP wall begin!

Get your photos in ASAP and we'll commence our 600th Episode Tribute wall on this blog.

The plan is for every crew member who owns one of our new 600th Episode crew shirts to take a photo of themselves wearing the shirt in an interesting location and we'll tile them down the side of the blog for all to see. It's gonna be awesome!

So, as soon as you've taken your shot... Email your photos to and i'll get to work!

Luv HB

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Carol's Engaged!!

A picture tells a thousand words!!
Congrat's to Carol, who is a very happy little Kazza after her boyfriend Jordan stepped up and asked her to marry him!

Please take a minute to post your congratulations here! Well done Kazza!


Andrei Sakharov, who helped make the atomic bomb said: "I have now discovered that the most powerful weapon in the world is not the bomb but the truth". What a strong statement that is. Ironically, years before Winston Churchill in the midst of the world at war said, "Truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies".

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Got him!

Well this morning i did a shoot at the south, and despite me primarily going down there to serve and also to do a good shoot.. I also went there with a strong intention of getting a photo with our 86yr old tech champion Roy Snellgrove who faithfully serves every week at the south campus. He generally doesn't like photos, but after a few minutes of convincing i got him in!!

Praise the lord.

It was a good morning in church, Ian Woods spoke through media form and had the little place both laughing and crying their socks off at different times.

And good job to Kazza who i believe was on at the city last night directing it, it seemed like it was cut together very well. Good stuff Kazza.

There's a special unified feeling down at the south, all the volunteers from all teams come together and stand in a big square formation at about 9.20 and have a big prayer session for the morning ahead. And it brings a special unique feeling of God's presence.. i love it.


Friday, June 01, 2007

Watoto Childrens Choir

We had the great privillege of filming this brilliant choir last weekend.
We had a great time & will be sending them the video footage which they have asked for a copy of, for all the crew involved it was one of the highlights of the year so far!