Friday, October 26, 2007

One Year Old

The Cockburn Central Campus is one year old.
Check out their facebook here.

Crew Social Night

This Tuesday 30th Oct we have our next social gathering.. and i'm excited about this one!

We're hosting a viewing of our new album "And Sing."

It'll be well worth a watch so if you're a crew member make sure you come along!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sketchy - ep 5 - Mr Romance

Mr Romance has the hottest date of his fine young life!! Hula.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Politicians Propaganda

Here's an ABC News story with a special guest appearance from two of our RVTV members.. TRUE.

Watch and enjoy, its a crack up!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Planet shakers go edgy..

Planet Shakers seem to be unleashing the video creativity a bit more with their latest album production "pick it up".

I've never really been a huge fan of planet shakers in terms of how they compile their dvd shoots, but it's nice to see them stepping out of the blocks with this one and taking some risks to give it that edgy youthy vibe. An enormous improvement visually on their earlier dvd's. Theres lots of raw looking shots using their focus and lots of fast whipping and panning and hitting out to those wide shots.. And of course, their wide shots look fantastic because they have 2000 crazy youth jumping around going nuts in the moshpit! im very jealous!! hehe :)

It's nice to see other churches doing good things and growing in skill when it comes to video creativity.

This song is the title track and i love it. Great energetic praise song to crank up in the lounge room!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Hutt River Province

Hutt River is an Independent Sovereign State comparable in size to Hong Kong. It was seceded from Australia on the Twenty First Day of April 1970 by it's current sovereign Jason O'Neil, and then Prime Minister, Aaron O'Neil.

The Principality of Hutt River is situated 595 km north of Perth, Western Australia and is about 75 square km in area, consisting of some 18,500 acres of land.

The Principality consists of undulating farmland well covered in places with a wealth of shrubs and glorious wildflowers.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sketchy - ep 4- Bike Man

Bike Man gets more than he bargains for!!! Whoop whoop.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sketchy - ep 3 - Footy Man

This Sketchy is one of our early moments of gold.. is poses as many great questions as it answers, and leaves the viewer desperate for more, please enjoy this cinema magic.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Team 5 Update!!

Hey All!
Check out the grins on this great bunch of volunteers on team 5. Even though not everyone could be here, when we work together everyone contributes with Enthusiasm Energy Passion and Focus!
Well done guys keep up the Great Work!!!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sketchy - ep 2- Hammy Man

This was a classic, anyone who's ever pulled a hamstring will be able to relate.. Wow he really hammed it up out there...

P.s for those who don't know Sketchy is an RVTV Crew creation, spearheaded by;

FrankPoL - Team 4
Bruffy D - Team 1
Sir Harry Boy - Team 6
Chippy O'D - Team 1

Stay tuned for many more fine sketchies to come.. & who knows, this series of postings may inspire the team to create some more!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Sketchy - ep 1- The Matrix

Here's one of our finest Sketchies!

I'll be posting each one we'vecreated over the next few weeks.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Congratulations Nassim!!

One of the long serving and faithful champions of my team 6, Nassim Kassim (aka: Naz Dog) recently became a father of 2.
A few weeks ago his lovely wife gave berth to this lovely girl named Savannah Grace Omar.
So congratulations Nassim and we as the whole film crew pray that she's a huge blessing to your life and that God blesses and protects your family.
Your a champion mate!
But please don't stay on break for too long! :)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Creativity Vs Education

Here is the link from Creative Ministries night with Jeff Crabtree on creative education and how we need to be ahead of the eight ball when it comes to creativity and education.

Very Funny, Very poignant.

The speakers name is Ken Robinson, check it out if you missed the CM Night, it was brilliant!