Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Well its the business end of the year and no-ones had time to post on the blog! :(

Here's some updates.

* We've got over 30 crew members lined up for Christmas and New Year services
* We've been attending rehearsals and storyboarding the christmas drama so we can shoot it well for television.
* We had a brilliant social night in December with 36 people coming to celebate the year with a bbq & video viewing highlights.
* We're making the 5th/6th Jan an open weekend for crew, no rosters or teams! you tell us which service you'd like to do :)
* We're officially overseeing the rostering & training of the lighting team from 1st Jan, let us know if you're keen to learn!
* Between Saturday 22nd & Tues 25th there be a whopping 14 Riverview church services!

Have a great christmas and new year.. hope to see you on crew again soon!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bryan Adams - Hearts on fire

I quite like this clip.

Its Brian Adams from a live concert in 1987, so 20 years old now but still great to watch.

It's simple, not much movement and not many dynamic shots that we would see these days.. but it's a good upbeat song and they did a very good job of catching all the major parts of the song. They showed us guitar or drums whenever we heard it, they always had plenty of different vocalist shots when Brian was singing and i just thought they structured the shoot quite well and kept it entertaining with the way they cut it together.

It is actually possible to a good shoot by keeping it simple i'm learning... it all begins with a solid structure.. The dynamic stuff is a cherry on top of the cake.

The fact that we do have brilliant high quality cameras and amazing creativity at church is just a superb bonus to give our shoots that extra edge.

Anyway, have a watch and tell me what you think.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

China Boy

One of our Marvellous Crew members is off in China at the moment!

Here are some pics by Dan Hadfield from his time away.

He's been off doing some Tech research for our soon to be Chinese Campus... (just kidding)

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Camera Magic!

Nat has stepped up trumps by executing this brand new camera shot..


(Obviously invented in his pre-tech days...)

We're sure that whichever part of the ceiling he filmed was captured most effectively for our viewers ....

Remember this man is a trained professional.. Do not try this at home people!!