Here's the first official superstar highlight for 2008, and we're highlighting the legendary JIM REES!!
Jim has been part of RVTV for over 6 years, he joined during our 4:3 days and progressed to become a handheld on the old equipment. He started off serving in Team 1, lead by Joelle, but became a pioneer member of Team 6 when it was created in 2004.
RVTV upgraded to digital equipment in 2005 & all qualified handhelds were put back on centre camera to learn the new gear, so Jim went back through the basic camera positions but made it back onto handheld in 2006.
He served in Team 6 for almost 3 years, and in 2007 made the call to step back from camera, he explained it as a decision in the best interests of the crew, Jim had reached 58 years of age and wanted to create space for the younger camera ops to come through, and felt he was taking away their camera opportunities by staying on Handheld.
His character and humility to make such a decision was really inspiring, but there was one small problem.. we didn't want him to leave!! After 5 years on crew we'd finally taken a liking to him :) So we approached him with the offer to join the Tech team, which he happily accepted & devoted himself to for all of 2007.
By this stage Jim was 59, had retired from work, had seen all of his children grow up & get married, and felt it was time for his wife Kerry and himself to leave the city and retire to a beach house on the coast, a beautiful way to enjoy life!
So on the 6th January 2008 Jim came in to do his last ever shoot with the RVTV Crew, to see him out in style we took him off Tech duties and let him do handheld one last time! It was an honour to be able to say goodbye to someone who has been so committed for so long, & when i remember Jim the key word that always comes to mind is 'dedication.'
Thanks again Jim for your many years of faithful service, you're a superstar!