Friday, July 24, 2009

It's all about the SHOT !!

PoL puts it all on the line for the shot - paint is no foe of mine!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Equipo de los Dos!

On the weekend a rare and wonderful thing occurred in the new-look Green Room...
An assembling of every single member of a Team...
The amazing, the inimitable, the incomparable, the preeminent, the aquatic...
Team Fiv- uh... Team TWO!!!

Here's us:

(L to R): DK, Polish Pete, Dan, Patrick, JoJo, Luke, Derek, Brad Pitt, Sharon, Tracy, Matt, Meng.

Also I highly recommend bursting into the control room and using flash photography while they're trying to direct the message.

And, of course, the obligatory "Wacky" shot:

Oh Dan, you're so Wacky!

Go Team Two Super Happy Alpha Squadron Force Time!

*da da dada danana na da da dada nananananana!*

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Social Night

The Mob is meeting up tonight to view highlights of some specky shoots this year, along with some funny bloopers. There'll be about 30 of us attending, which'll be nice to build community amongst teams. Go the Highlights and Lowlights!!